Restraining Belt, Seat Belt or Friendship Belt…???

Hello readers, first of all wishing everyone a belated Happy Friendship Day. May our friendship last forever and ever…!!! ☺️☺️

You all must be thinking about this title. And no, it’s not a fashion article about belts..😝😝😂😂. In fact it is about the precious relationship between parents and children. We all love our families and in the end our families are the ones who stand by our side when no one else does. Now, this ‘standing by our side’ situation is a perfect one. And I think we know that this perfection is not often seen in reality. Many a times, family bonds suffocate us if not handled with care. As I have already mentioned in one of my previous articles that generation gap has a strong bridge if both the sides truly try. 

Well, in our knowledge, restraining belts are used in hospitals and medical care centres to control or completely restrict the movements of patients who are in need of such precautions. Sometimes, parents act as a restraining belt, when they are so strict that they want to control even the way their child breathes. Now, I can completely understand that they do so because they think that their child ‘needs’ this precaution to survive ahead. No parent in the world wants to see their child suffering or in depression. But, unfortunately and unknowingly, they push their children in the deep well of desperation and distress. The hard-boiled or orthodox parents, due to their perception of the world and denial to change that perception with the dynamics of world, confine their children’s dreams, actions, and life according to their wish. They think that without their guidance their child will get lost in the path of life which is already full of hurdles. And maybe sometimes they are right too. But is it right to strangle your child’s mind and heart without even considering what he or she wants ? I think not. There are some parents who control their children to prove their authority and power over them and that’s just unfortunate, but life is full of exceptions and this is one of them. But is there a solution to this layered problem ? The answer is yes. The band-aid to this wound is communication and understanding, and obviously, from both the sides. Only proper communication can give us the ticket to cross and fill this gap of differences.

Now, we all know what’s a seat belt is. It is for our safety, a precaution, but not a smothering one. Some parents, who are not conservative, but are very protective of their children act like seat belt. There is no major problem in this but one. Seat belt does delimit our movements, if not suffocate us. Parents have to understand that they can not always protect their children from each and every situation in life, and children have to understand that their parents are not controlling them to prove any authority but to protect them from the harsh realities. Once in a blue moon, this protection can confine the children in the pupa of love and care and when it’s time to face the outside world, their delicate wings break at the first strike. I agree that prevention is better than cure, but can you learn to swim without going inside the waters. I think not. These parents are not orthodox, they just can’t see their children in any kind of difficulty, which shows their unconditional and vast love and children should understand this. But folks, you have to accept that sometimes love means letting go and giving space. The key to solve this problem too lies in two-way communication, understanding and love.

And finally, a friendship belt. The most priced possessions in childhood and the most cherished ones after growing up. I think the best relationship any two people can have is friendship, and if it is between parents and children, well the relationship becomes perfect. I reckon that there is not a perfect definition of a friend. Well, according to me, a friend is someone who loves and care for you unconditionally, is with you in every highs and lows, applaudes for you at your accomplishments and can slap you at your stupidity and wrongs, and most importantly, with whom you can share anything and everything without the fear of being judged. The best friend you can have will be the combination of a teacher, a guide, a companion in your childish stupidities and a shoulder to lean on at difficult times. Now imagine, children getting all this in their parents and parents getting all this in their children. This is the perfect situation I was talking about. Friendship doesn’t binds or confines us, it just holds our hands and guide us through the rough terrain of life. There are no judgements or strict rules to follow. Friends let you be who you are. They never try to change you, they just help you to cope up with this cruel world. And yes, the most important thing which has to be understood by the kids in this scenario, friends never leave or hate each other due to minor differences, instead, they sit and talk like mature individuals and find a way to walk together. 

So, all the readers and fellow bloggers, celebrate this friendship day with your parents and children. Be a friend to them and see your life prosper beacause the best band we can ever get is a friendship band. Be happy, spread love and stay blessed…!!☺️☺️


  1. Loved the article 👍👍

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    1. Shruti Verma says:

      Thanks alot ☺️☺️☺️☺️

      Liked by 1 person

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